
Apples to apples, dust to dust. Garrett Ives hasn't emerged from her bedroom for three days. Her best friends take shifts outside her locked door trying to convince her to let them in or, at the very least, tell them what's wrong. But why did she lock herself in her room? And why is Garrett, compulsively clean, allowing a bag of apples to rot on the kitchen table?


  • GARRETT IVES, a graduate student, 28
  • JOSEPH SIMON, Garrett's best friend, 28
  • LAURA HERMANSEN, Garrett's best female friend, 27


  • Coyote Arts Festival (Ohio, May 2009)

Running tights, for the uninitiated, are the answer to the question no one asked of "How can I best combine exercise, Elizabethan cosplay, and flashing passersby?" ~ Sweden and Norway: The Arctic Winter of Our Discontent