Diplomatic Relations

To lure tourists to her city, the mayor of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania has built an embassy for the fictional country of Portikrania. But when the State Department and mafia get involved, her scheme explodes into a comedy of Pennsylvanian proportions.

Read a selection from the script.


  • VEENA GERALDINE HINCKLE, mayor of Wilkes-Barre, mid-50s
  • TONY MALONE, a "contractor," late 20s
  • JENNIFER HINCKLE, Veena's daughter, early 20s
  • DESMOND WESTWOOD, inspector for the State Department, 40s


  • Riant Strawberry One-Act Festival (New York, August 2010)


My childhood babysitter grew up in Wilkes-Barre and moved back fifty years later to find the city well past its prime. I started thinking about what a politician would have to do to save Wilkes-Barre; Diplomatic Relations was my best guess.

"He needs the blossom of the mulberry bush, an exotic plant which grows only in the Amazon, given the plethora of monkeys and weasels in the region." ~ Olmec, Jessica Plunkenstein and the Dusseldorf Conspiracy